HIPEC (Hyperthermic Chemotherapy)

HIPEC, or hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy, is a specialized treatment primarily used for advanced or recurrent abdominal cancers, including ovarian cancer and certain types of gastrointestinal cancers. These cancers may spread within the abdominal cavity, leading to the formation of tumor deposits on the peritoneal surface. Causes and risk factors for these cancers include:

  • Ovarian Cancer: Genetic predisposition, family history of ovarian cancer, and hormonal factors such as nulliparity or early menstruation may increase the risk.
  • Gastrointestinal Cancers: Risk factors vary depending on the specific type of gastrointestinal cancer but may include age, family history, diet, and lifestyle factors such as smoking or alcohol consumption.

Treatment: Dr. Deepak Bose specializes in HIPEC, a highly specialized procedure that combines surgery with heated chemotherapy to treat peritoneal surface malignancies. The treatment involves several steps:

  • Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS): Surgical removal of visible tumor deposits from the peritoneal cavity to achieve optimal debulking.
  • HIPEC: After CRS, a heated chemotherapy solution is circulated throughout the abdomen for approximately 90 minutes. The heat increases the penetration of chemotherapy into tumor tissues while minimizing systemic side effects.
  • Close Monitoring: Patients are closely monitored during and after the procedure for any signs of complications such as bleeding, infection, or chemotherapy toxicity.

Recovery and Care: Recovery from HIPEC and CRS varies depending on the extent of surgery and individual patient factors. Dr. Bose ensures that patients receive comprehensive post-operative care, including pain management, monitoring for complications, and rehabilitation support as needed.

Outcome: HIPEC offers a promising treatment option for patients with peritoneal surface malignancies, providing improved local control and potentially extending survival compared to traditional treatments. Dr. Deepak Bose’s expertise in performing HIPEC ensures that patients receive personalized care and optimal outcomes, with a focus on maximizing the benefits of this innovative treatment while minimizing risks and side effects.